Time For You Franchise


From humble beginnings to one of the UK's most successful franchises.


Ruth taken poorly

In 1997 a catastrophic event led to a series of decisions that would result in an eventual meteoric rise as a franchisor! While knocking on doors near Silverstone (home of the British Grand Prix), he was unaware that a few miles away, his wife Ruth had suffered a cardiac arrest in the local doctor's surgery in Northampton, whilst there on a routine appointment.

A 90's UK magazine article telling Ruth Rayner of Time For You's Story


Home cleaning service launched as Maid For You

Freddie launches a ‘Paid in Advance’ cleaning service called Maid For You that earned a £32,000 income in its first year.

An early 90's white Maid 4 You van with overlaid over black and white stills of a maid ironing


The Time For You Franchise is born

After huge success and by achieving over 300 regular clients and £100,000 in income, Ruth & Freddie decide to franchise their business. Time For You was incorporated in 2001 and began its franchise journey with 3 pilot franchisees who all would later go on to be very successful.

A Time For You Advertising Poster depicting a 2nd world war time poster showing a woman tensing her muscles


60 Franchisees by the end of Year 2

Time For You experienced a massive growth in the number of franchisees operating and by the end of year 2 there were 60 Time For You branches across the UK.

An article on Freddie and Ruth Rayner in Business Week


Featured On BBC’s Working Lunch

Ruth and Freddie were invited as guests on the BBC’s Working Lunch program to be interviewed about the massive success that Time For You was and their recognition as the fastest growing franchise at the time. 


Won HSBC Bank Business Of The Year Award

Time For You was awarded the Business Of The Year award by HSBC Bank.

A certificate received by Time For You for HSBC's Start Up Award Winner


Launched the Time For You Franchise in Ireland

The first move into another territory was just across the water and into Ireland with the launch of the Dublin franchise. 


Launched the Time For You Franchise in Australia

After a year of negotiations, Time For You signed it’s first Master Franchisee for Australia.


Launched the Time For You Franchise in Norway

Time For You decides to expand further and open it’s first franchise in Norway.


Sam Appointed as Operations Director

After being a franchisee since 2010, Sam was taken on to modernise the company and to begin Time For You’s evolution in to the business that it is today.


The Head Office team expands

As the Time For You Franchise continues to grow the Head Office team expands to include John in Sales, Alasdair for Tech and Amanda in Business Development.


New MD, Awards and growth

Time For You hits over 150 UK based Franchisees with more growth forecast. Sam also takes over as the Managing Director and focuses on the continual development of the business, all while winning awards such as the 5* Franchisee Satisfaction award.

Sam Stawarz recording a video at this years TFY AGM
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